Things wrong with the current machine: keyboard doesn't completely or reliably work, top bevel corners missing (wires exposed), hinge coverings missing, USB ports no longer make reliable connections to some devices, most of the bottom rubber is missing as are a couple screws, various broken plastic features. I'm thinking I might repurpose it into a media computer that I can drive from my phone through KDE Connect. Enough works more than well enough for that still.
64GB RAM, 2TB storage, 4.7GHz i7 12700H. I'll use all of that at least some of the time.
And I ordered a new laptop. I've needed a new one for the past 2 years (this one is seriously falling apart). Pretty much fully loaded except I went with the lower end graphics which are still more than I need for what I do and didn't get a 2nd storage drive since by the time I need that I can probably get something bigger for less money and I know that the thing I'm getting will make that easy to install on my own. Wish there were a matte 4K screen option, but I can live with glossy OLED.
Also updated the shop's web site. New coffees from Guatemala and Sumatra are available to purchase:
Two dreams this sleep. First was the sequel to one last year in which I was hunting other people in my house. We were all armed with toy guns that shoot darts with suction cups on the end. Everybody used the same strategy as last time. For the 2nd one I was with another person and for some reason we ended up in a chemistry class where the teacher was missing so I sent the person I was with to let administration know while I took over teaching the class. That's a new one.
@lilithsaintcrow So I just tried to dredge up that song from memory and ended up getting the theme from Cheers instead. It's possible that I no longer know the theme from Who's the Boss.
Tracked down the source of an insta-crash. What's odd is that this used to work, is continuing to work on a different machine, and by all reasonable thought ought to continue working just fine, but I'm working around it anyway because the crash is happening deep in someone else's code and given that I need this to work now in the current reality, it doesn't matter so much that it merely should work.
Tasting production test batches of new coffees today. Starting with Sumatran coffee. Assuming both turn out well, I'm considering doing this as both a medium and a dark roast instead of just picking one roast level. The medium smells great if you like traditional Sumatran coffees. This one is cleaner than most, but it still retains some earthiness that some enjoy and others do not. I'm getting a bit of stone fruit way in the back of the flavor that's too subtle to be worth mentioning officially.
@technomancy Given the near future 20th/21st century computers seen in time travel episodes, I'd have to say no. They did, however, absolutely have Max Headroom.
Within the past week I've somehow managed to win prizes in two contests for photographs taken from within #GenshinImpact . It's only primogems worth another 3.75 wishes, but given that I would have taken the photos and made the posts anyway, that's worth the effort of sticking an extra tag on the posts.
2nd day slides have significantly less stuff that's cribbed from me, but a lot of it I know exactly who put those graphics together (because I was peripherally involved). It's really a pretty small group that has historically rolled up our sleeves and slammed out this sort of material for other instructors to use so if I have questions on something I probably have the ability to email/call the person who originated that directly.
Author of Typica software for coffee roasters.