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My sister is still recovering from dental work but she came in and did a few minutes of work today.

Another person wants to come out tomorrow, take some photos, and talk with me for an article in one of the local free magazines. Later in the week I've got a sit down with someone who wants to make a video here.

Someone is going around to small businesses in the area trying to get them to join a lobbying organization, but the positions they lobby for are things that can be packaged to sound good to small business owners who haven't looked into the issues deeply while actually being terrible ideas. I'm not funding that.

Now that Google Maps is letting you report speed traps and redirect traffic thereby, I'd like to propose that it's our civic duty to keep streets safer by reporting speed traps at random throughout the city, with particular attention to bike routes or school zones.

Dear kids in Washington State: you can make an appointment with your doctor, or walk into a clinic or ER, and get vaccinated. You don't need permission from your parents. You don't have to wait until you are 18. If the health care provider gets confused, the magic phrase is "Mature Minor Doctrine", and point out that not wanting to catch measles is sign of sufficient maturity.

Please reshare, and copypaste this any place this would be useful.

There's a car illegally parked in the bus stop out front that seems to be completely packed with balloons. There's a kid under them, arm reaching out toward the window.

This is also the chapter that I'm most likely to want to come back to and add more supporting detail.

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Drafted a couple more book sections today. The chapter that I'm working on now is probably the single most important one for new roasters to spend a lot of time with.

@neal Thanks Neal for all of the help these past few weeks! Your excellent customer service has been so valuable to us here as we worked through some confusion and connection issues. Thanks again for your speedy responses and willingness to help out!
Typica Rocks. :)

None of the machines at work, that is. I've got a machine at home with some computer control capabilities modded on but it's a weird enough design that anything related to that isn't generally useful.

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There's someone in the next city over with a new roaster and he might let me play around with that some time to expand Typica's support for setting controls on the roaster. He's not interested in automation, but the machine is massively overpowered and he wants an easier way to make small adjustments. None of my machines are set up for computer control so I haven't spent much time on that.

There's an update on Typica's development branch that causes the batch details window to not barf if you've somehow managed to create a batch record without a green coffee item. The result is less detailed, ugly, and half of the tabs don't work, but the most important features are there and there's enough information that a confused person can take a screen shot and I can tell them what went wrong. Thanks to @agudbrandson and @jflanders for providing the bug report and enough info to solve it.

On my last grocery run I picked up some of those frozen breaded mozzarella sticks on a whim. The box says a serving is 1 stick and who do they think they're kidding? Nobody is eating just 1 stick.

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