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How does an NES emulator use most of 12 cores and still stutter the audio on a machine that can emulate PS2 games just fine?

Results are very close. I think I'll also do 2 of 5 tests between each pair of roasts tomorrow and see if there's a legitimate tastable difference going on. If there isn't, it's harder to make the case that the variation matters.

I still have one more roast to finish and a bunch of measurements to take and numbers to crunch, but so far it looks like what I expected to see out of today's experiment is supported by the evidence (that one control strategy does, in fact, produce less variable results across different coffees, meaning I have a recommended practice for improving sample roasting consistency on that machine).

Doing some today. Given an automated coffee roasting system with two different parameters control can be based on, a plan on each such that events happen at the same time, same total roasting time, does one control strategy have less variation in degree of roast across coffees with different physical characteristics (moisture, bulk density, &c)? Let's find out.

Thinking of suggesting $20.91 as the price for this ebook.


The error message is ugly. I should fix that, but not today.

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Fixed a problem with the online ordering where it would allow orders to be placed that can't successfully be charged under some circumstances. In one case I was able to fix the customer's input failure and process the order, but today's order couldn't be repaired and I just had to cancel it. Now the system should just reject the order with a meaningful error message and let the customer try again.

Thinking of suggesting $20.91 as the price for this ebook.


A repeat order came in through the web site today. Different name. I think they just spelled it wrong last time.

Note for anime dub directors/ADR people: cache only has 1 syllable.


coworker: "how much do you know about $THING?"

me: "precisely enough to know better than to admit knowing anything about it, and no more"

There's a giant raccoon making the rounds. I declined to run it over as it crossed the street in front of me.

More feedback coming in on the Roasting Styles Exploration Kit. An excerpt from the latest, "It really shows how dark roast is not evil"

Chapter 1 needs another relatively large section. Will try to write that today.

Some automated system just kicked out a three year old meeting cancellation email. The really strange thing here is that the mail server that sent that didn't even exist back then so I'm assuming someone is migrating something and tried to preserve pointlessly stale data through the process for some inexplicable reason instead of just cutting over to a fresh system.

The year is 2025

There are five browser cores:
- webkit
- chromium
- gecko
- servo
- youtube-dl, which ended up implementing a full-fledged browser in python to keep successfully downloading videos

Maybe they'll try ordering again once they figure out what their address is.

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