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The cat is telling me about her day. Apparently it was not completely uneventful.

These cats are quite a morale booster, I gotta tell you

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Deemo Reborn's VR mode could be re-skinned as a Star Trek Deep Space Nine game in which you play as Odo pretending to play the piano at Vic's. It would be a better game than Crossroads of Time.

Also adjusted some colors and shapes on the upcoming site redesign. I still need a better bio photo.

Did some significant expansions of the sample roasting section of the book in this afternoon's editing session. Put in some todos to find more photos as well. Hopefully I'll be able to motivate myself to continue editing work after dinner.

cat, on seeing me with extra groceries: I will sit directly in your path and refuse to move until you're done bringing stuff in.

Bought more groceries than usual because there were good sales on stuff that won't go bad before I have a chance to eat it.

daemon abuse threat/reference 

I really need to figure out how to get the shop's mail server to notice when its certificates have been renewed out from under it (or set up a cron job to kick the services every few weeks). If I have too much uptime, mail clients start to complain about expired certs because the server just keeps serving the one it had at last system startup, completely ignoring the fact that those no longer exist and have been replaced.

No surprise, the yoga cats are outselling the yoga dogs. Cat people are easy. You put any kind of cat on it and they go for it. Dog people are pickier. It has to be their dog.

Last night I went back to playing Tetris Effect, got my first 18 line (perfectris) zone clear.

I am well aware that I wrote one of the definitive texts on how evil landlords could exploit IoT devices to torment their tenants (how could I forget when so many people sent me this story!), but honestly, Unauthorized Bread was not a pitch deck.


I recently saw one of those bugs that looks like a leaf. The camouflage would have been amazingly good had it not been hanging out on a white painted brick wall.

That coffee was packed in 10Kg flushed/vac'd foil bags that got boxed, so that should still be tasting pretty fresh.

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Update on the roasting competition I was going to be in back in April: outright cancelled. I still have the coffee I was going to roast for that so when I have the time for it I'll run it through product development and make it a limited edition offering.

Got an email from one of the city licensing departments letting me know that they finally got a check that was mailed 76 days ago. During those 76 days they sent a letter saying we were late but that they were extending the time we had without penalty because they know everything is screwed up right now and I had carried a new check to a special box they have set up at city hall that bypasses the postal service (which apparently takes a week to get delivered to the right department).

While I didn't see the problem with it in the dream, I'm not suggesting that email servers should stream music to mail clients. I once had to use a cash register programming application that had background music and because every program in that niche is awful, the extra effort that went into that "feature" just made the deficiencies elsewhere all the more painful. Needed to remind myself to mute the computer before changing register settings.

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Two dreams last night. In the first one I was working at a small ISP. Not much happened, but a major feature people used to choose their provider was the background music for email. In the second, I was walking around, not worried, but trying to figure out where I was.

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