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Got a call from the principal at one of the local schools. They're doing some kind of an International Day thing tonight and they decided they wanted coffee so I'm donating a few boxes of brewed coffee that they can use.

Got a mention in Daily Coffee News. If you click my name in the tags at the bottom of the story it brings up a few articles I wrote a while back.

Credit union upgraded their login so it's no longer split across multiple pages. They say the old thing had become outdated, but the truth is that this was just a weird thing banks did that never genuinely improved security.

Coffee delivery is in. Credit union sent a check stomper in case the new publishing company somehow gets a physical check from anyone.

Looks like I've got another day of staying late to finish up some work at the shop today. I've been home late multiple days in a row already so the cat will not be pleased. I'll pop home for lunch soon, but it's not the same.

My new publishing company just got its sales tax ID number. This means I'll be able to sell my book in Wisconsin without doing tax evasion.

This morning there was a cat on the back porch looking into my kitchen. The cat that lives with me was meowing at it through the door.

Bought another couple thousand pounds of coffee. I wanted to buy more but some of the stuff that I want isn't in the country yet so hopefully they'll remember to call me back in a few weeks to sell me the coffee once it exists.

Sat down with a marketing class today and told them about all the marketing that we don't do for the shop, answered their questions. Every so often groups in a class like that end up doing a project using the shop as inspiration. We never end up using stuff they come up with, but that's fine.

It took a few rounds of editing but I think I'm happy with the new section now.

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lofi hip hop beats to study/relax to got briefly taken down and it resulted in the single longest video on youtube. That VOD is 548 days long.


Yesterday I noticed that chapter 2 was missing a section it needed so that's what I'm writing today. It's also a good excuse to use the word, ephemera.

The next supplier I need to order from has some fresh Yemeni coffee now. I should find out how the pricing on that is and see if I could sell it profitably, bring back a Mocha Java blend.

There's a joke about doxing the rich, but you'd be surprised by how often things like a real home address can be found in stuff like SEC filings. The info's already public.

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There's a fraudulent listing for my shop on Grubhub. It includes an item that is not on my menu so if you order from that I don't know what you'll get, but it won't come from me. Their site doesn't seem to have a way to report fake listings or contact a real human so I sent a polite nastygram to their investor relations form demanding the removal of the listing. I'm assuming that won't work and I'll need to start digging through their regulatory filings to get better contact info.

Star Trek Cat figures are coming out soon and none of them are of the actual catgirl on the bridge of the Enterprise, nor is Data's cat Spot represented. Cat Kirk is species appropriation.

For the curious, it's this book that's going into the recommended reading at the end of chapter 2. Specifically the chapters on contracts and logistics, but there's a lot of good material on the global coffee trade packed into this.

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Looked up one of the books I wanted to cite in mine. Amazon wanted to sell the paperback for >$100, Barnes and Noble had an ebook version for $30ish, the publisher has a free PDF download on their web site.

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