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New Kenyan coffee is good. Citric with softer fruit notes as the coffee cools, lots of acidity. I went with a pretty light roast both to accentuate those characteristics and because roasting it to what I'd normally consider the lighter end of a medium roast already tastes like a dark roast and while not objectionable, not especially notable either. I'll be sampling that in front of the shop from 12-2 today and will try to get it up for sale on the web site after that. (available in store now)

Small order, only about 800 pounds of coffee. If I'm lucky it could show up Friday.

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Ordered more coffee. One has a name longer than this toot.

Added another part of the feature I'm working on for the shop's web site. Nothing is user visible yet but I'm cleaning things up as I go along with the result that the whole code base is now 3.7% smaller despite the additions. I expect I'll have eaten up a lot of those savings by the time I'm done with the whole feature.

A little while back someone beat my record for biggest single target hit with Qiqi in but it took a couple months for someone to get around to doing that. I may need to take that record back, though I'm still pretty happy with the old run (as technically awful as it is).

The cat seems to have taken a liking to pressing her face against video game controllers. Sometimes using them like a pillow, sometimes flicking the thumb sticks.

Wrote a nice little chunk of code today. It compiles, it looks like it should work, but I still need to write some tests before I'll be comfortable with pushing that to production.

That's also easier since I'll need to roast the coffees for my class before I go and bring that with me. Most years there would be hands on roasting at the event, but I guess not this time.

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It's at a trade event in New Orleans and I've decided to drive there this time rather than figure out what fresh hell airport check in has become now. It's been ages since I've been there and am looking forward to having some good creole food.

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It looks like my next workshop is getting advertised now and at least one person I know wants to help me out as a station instructor so that's nice.

Email: Dear valued client
Me: I have never done business with you.

psst hey, aliens

if any of you are monitoring our social media as part of your anthropological studies of humans

there's this guy named Bezos who's going to be going into space, like not real space, just sub orbital but anyway, if you wanted to take a human to like study or dissect or keep as a pet, he'd be a prime choice and you could just grab him from his lame suborbital spaceship and no one would even care

Might not be able to do that since there isn't very much code there to begin with, but there are certainly some opportunities for sensible refactoring.

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Doing some work on the shop's web site and I figured as long as I'm in there I could do a little bit of cleanup. It would be neat if I could add a new feature and end up with less code overall.

cat death 

My cat will be inheriting all of her cat's stuff.

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cat death 

My mother's cat, Autumn, has passed away. She'd been pretty low energy for a while and had been developing some movement issues, but today she was very clearly in pain. All of the possibilities that the vet could come up with for what might be wrong weren't fixable.

Fun fact: the cat the lives with me is a big fan of Hatsune Miku. Since Miku Expo moved online this year, she got to attend that last night. The cat enjoyed the concert.

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