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My sister made the mistake of trying to get tech support by chat. The person on the other end did not reply in any way that could be interpreted as being on topic or even remotely related to trying to clarify what the issue was, tried to trick her into thinking that she had left the chat, and after a considerable amount of time spent not replying to anything, the support person left the chat. Not impressed.

What is it with long lost ancient sci-fi civilizations building their time portals and such in small otherwise natural seeming caves? This is clearly unsafe and probably has a lot to do with why the builders aren't around any more.

Tubs of whipped cream cheese have gotten smaller. It used to be that one tub of whipped cream cheese provided exactly enough cheese for 2 packs of bagels. Now they only provide enough for 1.5 packs of bagels, meaning that I'd need to buy 2 tubs of cheese and 3 packs of bagels to use those up evenly, but I don't want to eat that many bagels.

It's been a while since I worked an opening shift. I get to hear orders like, "a hot iced tea".

New computer for the coffee roasters shipped. It'll be running Pop!_OS but that hardly matters because the machine only needs to run software that I wrote and some build tools to compile that.

Latest arrivals are available for sale on the web site. New coffees from Kenya and Brazil are on the front page. A bunch of decafs that were temporarily unavailable are also back now.

Free WiFi at the shop is now password protected. Wish I didn't have to but someone is being naughty in a way that caught the attention of Disney and I do not want to have to deal with that. Hope I don't have to go full on captive portal on people.

Just noticed that the recycling pickup schedule on my fridge was from 2017.

Finally ordered a NerdSEQ. I've been waiting to do that until the video expander became available so I can hook it up to an old otherwise unused TV and a computer keyboard.

The cat continues to not appreciate the explosions outside.

I let random voltages make a song. It goes nowhere slowly, but you can listen to it if you want.

I let random voltages make a song. It goes nowhere slowly, but you can listen to it if you want.

The cat does not appreciate all the explosions happening outside.

The cat would like it known that she's a cute cat who should be cuddled at every opportunity, preferably for 36 out of every 48 hours.

Making something useful doesn’t require genius. You simply have to be just reckless enough to get started, just smart enough to understand the problem, just dumb enough not to overcomplicate the solution, and just stubborn enough to keep going until you get there.

New Kenyan coffee is good. Citric with softer fruit notes as the coffee cools, lots of acidity. I went with a pretty light roast both to accentuate those characteristics and because roasting it to what I'd normally consider the lighter end of a medium roast already tastes like a dark roast and while not objectionable, not especially notable either. I'll be sampling that in front of the shop from 12-2 today and will try to get it up for sale on the web site after that. (available in store now)

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