None of the machines at the airport liked my passport. Had to abandon self check in because it scanned my passport to look up the flight then wanted to scan it again to match me against the booking which somehow failed (it was the same passport both times). Later there was another passport scan which I needed help with because machine says no. Despite that I've made it to my gate in plenty of time even with a food break along the way.
It's the last day of my vacation (though I do have 24 hours of air travel as well) and I woke up with my ears already feeling stuffed up and hearing everything at low volume. Hope that clears up soon. Late check out was available so I won't have to worry about what to do with my luggage in the several hours between normal check out and when the cab picks me up to go to the airport.
There's a sign near the beach with instructions on what to do if you're stung by a jellyfish and while most of the advice seems reasonable, the last is what you should do if you're unconscious and your heart has stopped. That's likely meant for whoever finds the body, but it's written as what the unconscious person should do.
Author of Typica software for coffee roasters.