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The cat has decided that she must sit on me now.

Shop has been closed today and yesterday, but that doesn't mean I'm not there. I'm between lots on some coffees so I'm doing the roast plan design and verification work that needs to happen to get the new lots out on the shelf. Currently drinking a nice coffee from Costa Rica. I've been buying from this farm for over 20 years and while their farm management practices are geared toward delivering a product that's very consistent year to year, I usually need to tweak the roast just a little.

Worked out the proper fix for the issue that earlier in the day I just did a hacky work around to prevent crashing. Also a hacky work around to deal with the visual regression.

Found the source of the bug obnoxiously far away from the behavior that triggers it. I'll need to dig into that a little more later as there's really no excuse for the segfault to have happened where it did. Also because not my code changed a related thing to something visually much worse because of course when you add functionality it's only natural to take away any UI hint that the new feature might exist. *facepalm*

I was half expecting to need to change things up in that area, but was hoping for something a little more graceful than the segfaults.

Oh lovely, something broke in not my code with a stack trace deep enough that gdb crashes before it gets to my code.

I worry more about code written a few minutes at a time as I'm able to get to it over the course of several days, but sometimes that's just how the schedule works out.

Finally got some code I've been working on far enough along that I could put some debug text in and see if it's doing what I expected and get some timing data out. I started with the slower approach that doesn't involve a bunch of bit level operations to see if that's fast enough and it looks like it should be. There's more to do to properly finish the feature, but that what's already written is working correctly is a good sign.

Assembling some new display cases and all the instructions are slightly wrong.

My hands have been in sanitizing solution and the cat wants me to rub that all over her. She's a huge fan of bleach.

Not sure why, but the shop's email list got a lot of new sign ups since the last update. That's almost doubled just recently.

The cat has decided that she wants to be inconvenient.

Hardware documentation says a space is used as a delimiter between fields and fails to mention that if you put it into a mode where not all fields are output, you still get the spaces delimiting the suppressed output. Also indicates \r\n as a line terminator and apparently that really means usually just \r but sometimes just \n and never actually \r\n. This is why I have trust issues.

Tasting production test batches of new coffees. So far they're all matching up with the labels from the last time we had similar coffees.

Pushed a new version of the software to the computer at the coffee roaster. It's working. Also investigated why one of my sensors wasn't reading on the little roaster. One of the channels on the data logger isn't working right so I've just moved the wires over to a different channel and will need to adjust the software configuration to match later. Oddly, the diagnostic tool that I used to sort this out was screen and issuing commands to the logger manually.

Finally unboxed my case of SCAA cupping bowls. Yes, that's right, SCAA, not SCA. Got them a while back after helping out with a class at a lab that had a whole bunch of extra cases. Plus side: none of them were broken. Minus side: no lids. There's enough new coffees that I need to sort out that I figured it was time to pull these out of storage.

Finished off the last of my too spicy chicken.

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